At the QO lab, we believe growth is fundamental to science. Especially when it concerns crystals on silicon. In our new paper Erick Romero, Atieh Kermany, Leo Sementilli, Warwick Bowen & collaborators carve out a method to quantify and engineer the dissipation of thin crystalline mechanical resonators. (F)etch a defect-free version at Phys. Rev. Applied!
Strongly coupled photons in superfluid
Back at it again with the microdisks: Xin He, Glen Harris, Chris Baker, Andreas Sawadsky, Yasmine Sfendla, Yauhen Sachkou, Stefan Forstner and Warwick Bowen strongly coupled photons to counterpropagating photons, via waves in superfluid helium. We try to keep our research as low-threshold as our Brillouin laser, so the full article in Nature Physics is available here: